Sexual Offences

Need Representation? Call (780) 250-BAIL (2245)

The lawyers at Manucci Allen have experience with assisting individuals that are facing criminal charges of a sexual nature. We appreciate and extoll the premise that the cornerstone of the Canadian criminal legal system is the presumption of innocence and an allegation is just that – an allegation. The Crown has the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt what you have been accused of. Just because someone has pointed a finger or has said something that is a rumour or a half-truth or blatantly and patently false and charges have come about does not mean you will be convicted of that allegation. This area of law is undergoing a great deal of examination in social and traditional media, the way we look at some of these charges, namely sexual assault is being examined within the court of public opinion and in some cases legislators and advocates are pushing the conversation in new areas – now more than ever the need for counsel to meticulously review your disclosure, prepare for your matter, seek answers in traditional and non-traditional forums and cross-examine witnesses and complainants with skill and focus has never been greater. The evidence against you must be tested and the lawyers of Manucci Allen welcome the opportunity to hear your side of the matter and scrutinize the evidence that has been gathered to prosecute you.

Sexual offences carry a stigma and almost immediate detrimental effect to a person’s reputation and sense of self worth and self esteem; they are serious, and with the advent of social media that effect is often unfortunately exasperated. Sexual assault charges and charges of a sexual nature have a large range of sentencing options and consequences. Allegations of sexual assault dealt by summary process to indictment, allegations of abuse, prostitution, and obscenity possession and/or distribution always require a confidential, measured and balanced approach.

Contact our office today to set up a no-fee initial consultation and discuss your legal matters further at (780) 250-BAIL (2245) or by email.

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